Last year's resolusion
The following is my last year(2007) resolusion, see how many I achieved. haha~~ How about this year-2008, tmr I will make a 2008 resolusion. Today is 31 Dec 2007, the last day of year. How will you welcome 2008? 2008 will be a meaningful and turning point year. Happy New Year !!!!!
2006年对我来说好漫长, 很多不顺的事情搞得我曾经差点忧郁症, 感觉生活很辛苦。不过总算过去了,希望新的一年里事事顺利。
现在才知道一个人可以实现自己的梦想,并且做自己喜欢的事情是不容易的, 有几个人真正做到了呢? 随着年龄的增长,身边的生活压力, 很多人都在做着自己不喜欢的工作,所以生活也给我们很多无奈。
2007年会怎样呢? 在新的一年里,你们有什么计划或目标? 为什么不做一个计划呢?写下来时时提醒自己, 完成一项划掉一个,你会发现你有很大的惊喜呢~~ 下面是我的计划书,你们监督我。
2007 年计划
3、每个月的shopping 钱不超过$300=人民币(¥1500)
4、考过雅思(pass IELTS)
5、接到很多的 modelling 的工作
6、拿到 PR(永久居民) 之后, 找到一份理想的工作
(tina) ♥ 12/31/2007
Merry Christmas!!
Practising for Casino 2008
The future customers of casino 2008
the state of the turkey when I arrived, so I didn't manage to take a photo of before and after

a Hamper full of organic goodies which my honey received
Last night after working went straight to @corner, as we had a party there. They started from 2pm, when I reached there, they had finished important parts- gift exchanges and some games, I missed my chance to draw my gift number, so I think my gift was drewn by someone. My gift is something like chocolate, it is nice to eat. I didn't take the pic because I can't wait to eat it up. haha~~ When I reached there, The turkey was cut into pieces, that's why I didn't see the whole perfect Turkey. Then I joined them to play blackjack, it was so much fun. In the end, I lost $3, haha. Just like Alex said: Participation is more important.
After I drank some alcohol, I felt very happy, no wonder people like to be drunk, it's reasonable. On the way home, I bought Green Tea and Whisky , resumed drinking at home. We played card games at home.
But I don't know why I suddenly felt very depressed, very sad... ... then I cried......
Some people would laugh without reason, some would cry , some vomit...... after drunk. but for me, you should guess what's my reaction.
It was really bad after u got drunk, feeling very unwell, expecially this morning,after I woke up, my head was nearly crashed, headache.
(tina) ♥ 12/25/2007
Japanese Curry, good!

I cooked the Japanese Curry for dinner, which I learnt from a TV show. It is very tasty, and I ate a lot with rice, I really seldom eat rice but this time it was exceptional. I think I am able to be a chef now.
It is fun to cook sometimes, but each time my dish is different tastes even I cooked the same dish, do u know why? Haha~~ because I always forgot the steps, each time I made differently, and put some different seasonings, I think I better write down the steps or I browse the Internet. It's embarrasing to mention it.
Tomo is Christmas Eve, how will u guys celebrate it? Will u eat Turkey and open ur present under the Christmas Tree?
I will update after Christmas day, and I will tell u what I will get?
(tina) ♥ 12/23/2007
wow , I saw 'Snow"
The Cowgirl in Levis strauss (which I stole my honey's)
We went to shopping today, it was fun this time, because we bought many household items which cost us a lot of money, but it is worth it.
Usually when I go shopping with my dear, I only buy my things like clothes, accessories and so on. He looks very bored. I feel embarrassed. But this time it was different, we bought the things which we were both interested in, even though it was very tiring , we were both very happy.
It snowed outside of Plaza Singapura, if you don't believe, go and check it out
It is fun playing with snow in such hot weather,
but it is also weird . haha
How pitiful Singaporeans are! They can't see real snow in Singapore.
I like the snow, but I dislike freezing.
I think it is very romatic to walk with ur beloved in the snow, then put ur cold hand
into his pocket. It's so warm. Reminisce the time when I was in China .........
(tina) ♥ 12/19/2007
Moving ~~
I am now in Corner, it is sunday, but I still work.
I am very exhausted, because I had been moving house for past two days. Even though I just moved from 3rd floor to 7th floor and there are no big furnitures, but still many things to pack.
I hate moving house. I am determined that I will ask my mum to help me next time.
(tina) ♥ 12/16/2007
I got my IC
Congratulations to myself again. ~~
I just went to collect my IC. This time was very fast without queueing up and waiting. I was very happy when I got it from the officer.
HAHA~~ Sorry for saying too much about my PR and IC.
Let's say something else.
Last Friday I was supposed to watch movie, but the tickets had been sold out. Then I went to do some shopping with Weeraku. She joined me a bit late as she came from work, and she wore a office lady suit, I felt she looks very professional.
This month is Festive Season, and the sales has started , don't miss the shopping spree, girls~~~
As for celebratations that I got my PR , my honey asked me to treat him. See~~ He is conning me!!!
I am poor~~ Haha. But anyway it was my turn to treat him, because I always said to him I would treat him once a month , but I didn't keep my promise, many many months have passed....... As it has been raining the whole day, we just went to Novena Square2 which is nearby our house, we were supposed to go takashimaya level 4 the Korean Restaurant. but anyway the Korean Restaurant in Novena is also good. We ate BBQ, I like the Korean food, because you don't need to order too much, before the main dish, there are many cold small dish , it is value for money.
The food is fantastic, we ate too much and too fast, when we had felt full, it was already too late, and regreted eating too much. It is uncomfortable to eat a lot.
Ok, stop then. It's 00:50am. Tomorrow I have to work in corner.
See u guys
(tina) ♥ 12/12/2007
I highly recommend a comfy place for eating out. Because it is value for money, whatever food or drinks , cheap and tasty. The prices are like coffee shop prices , but the food is of restaurant quality. The designs of the shop is beautifully decorated . Don't miss it. Address is around Novena, Goldhill plaza #01-13
(tina) ♥ 12/03/2007
I got my PR , Congratulations~~~~~~~~~~~
28th, Nov 2007 Wed- is an important night to me. I am officially a part of singapore.
I was very excited , especially my honey. He was too nervous to opened the envelope at that moment. We hold our breathe, the heart-beat fast and non-stop until we saw the first words- Congratulations.
I have been waiting for my PR long time, I even thought I was rejected again. This is the second time I applied, I had been rejected once 18 months ago. I didn't know whether it was approved or not, because I saw the letter from ICA, it would be informed in three month, then this was the 4th month already, I thought it could be hopeless.
It is a really great thing to me.
(tina) ♥ 12/02/2007