my niece: Shermaine, she snatched my favourite candy

dining table


what I wore that day
I was luckily invited to attend a high tea cum fashion show
at raffles town club dunearn ballroom. It was a special
gathering, and only women wereinvited.
It was my first time to be an audience watching fashion show
so closely on the spot. All the models were foreigners, they
were demonstrating the new seasons collection on the
T-stage. I got a price list of clothes they were wearing. The prices
ranged from $380-$2000. I forgot what brand they were,
because they were not appealing to me.
After the fashion show, Hi-tea started. There are 4 different type
of food-dessert, appetiser, seafood and vegetable. I grabbed a
little bit from each dish, so that I did not miss any dish. The food
was very yummy.
What a pity! I didn't take any picture of the food, due to
inconvenices of the situation. The time was passing fast , and we
really enjoyed the girls talk.
Moreover, I also got a free gift before I left. It was a scarf. I
was happy because I had wanted to buy a new scarf, but now
I needn't waste money.
Hopefully, I will be invited to attend such a gathering again.
Not only eat gourmet food, and also can get free gift. What

swimming after exercising in gym.

playing with the life buoy
I felt tired after working long hours in the shop . When I reached home, I
decided to do some exercise. As I haven't been doing any exercises for a
long time I found I had put on some weight.
I am afraid of getting fatter. So I am trying to get rid of it.
I put on my sports wear, then went to the basement (our gym is at the
basement). I ran 20 minutes on the treadmill. Then I went to the roof
(the swimming pool is up there) . I swam for 15 minutes. After exercising,
I felt refresh and energetic. So I made a decision , I will exercises 3 times
a week from now onwards.

from left to right: xiao hua, me, lin

the baby,very cute

baby is eating her meal
I was being invited by my friend , xiao hua for her baby 1st
month party. I find that my friends' new born are all girls.
Nowadays , people don't have the old fashioned thinking
of " sons are better than daughers ". Some even prefer
daughters. As for this particular friend, she once told me
she didn't mind having a daughter or a son. But after she
discovered it was a girl she was disappointed she had a
daughter. I don't know why she changes her mind so
fast. So far, she is happy to be mum. Her baby is still so
small, she has a long journey to go. She doesn't know how
the world like, She is naive and innocent. I hope the baby 's
future is bright.